FIRST Robotics Competition
FRC 461
FRC Team 461, Westside Boiler Invasion, is from West Lafayette Junior/Senior High School in West Lafayette, Indiana and was founded in 1999. They are passionate about science and technology. By working together to accomplish tasks in such fields as technology and public relations, we excite other students and the community about the values of FIRST.
FRC 1646
FRC Team 1646, Precision Guessworks, is from Jefferson High School in Lafayette, Indiana and was founded in 2003. For more than a decade, 1646 has been inspiring students and their community.
FRC 1747
FRC Team 1747, Harrison Boiler Robotics, is from Harrison High School in West Lafayette, Indiana and was founded in 2005. They are dedicated to spreading the wonders of science and technology throughout their community and they encourage students to become involved in various FIRST programs.
FRC 4272
FRC Team 4272, Maverick Boiler Robotics, is from McCutcheon High School in Lafayette, Indiana and was founded in 2012. Students on the team promote their interests with a class offered by their school.
FIRST Tech Challenge
FTC 10133
Machines of Mayhem, FTC 10133, was created in August of 2015 at New Community School, a school in Lafayette, Indiana. They are mentored by the students of another local FIRST Team, FRC 1747, local FRC mentors, and PFP's own mentors.
FTC 8272
CC Sparks, FTC 8272, is a team based out of Central Catholic High School in Lafayette, Indiana. They were formed in 2013, and Purdue FIRST Programs is excited to support their continued growth.